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Stargate crewing

Manning de clasă mondială, noi posibilități îndrăznețe


Ofițeri și membri ai echipajului români pentru nave comerciale în toate tipurile de nave!


Competențe superioare, motivație fără egal, atitudine revigorantă

Cine suntem

Avem 20 de ani de experiență în acest domeniu. Două decenii de excelență!

Nimeni nu cunoaște piața de desfacere a echipajelor din România la fel de bine ca Stargate Crewing. Suntem într-o poziție unică pentru a vă ajuta să atrageți cel mai bun personal pentru flota dumneavoastră, în special ofițeri de nivel mediu și superior, deoarece recrutorii noștri provin din interiorul industriei și combină experiența vastă în recrutare cu cunoștințele aprofundate despre fraternitatea profesională din care recrutează. Toate aplicațiile sunt supuse unui proces de aprobare de screening, interviuri, verificări ale antecedentelor, recomandări de la colegi, selecție și briefing pentru a le aduce în grupul companiei și a le pune în așteptare pentru viitoare oportunități.

Jason Firth
Stargate is one of our principal crew suppliers from Europe. Not only do they bring us highly competent crew, but they are great to work with because they are dedicated, ...
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Jason Firth - Unicrew Management Ltd.
Stargate is one of our principal crew suppliers from Europe. Not only do they bring us highly competent crew, but they are great to work with because they are dedicated, client focused and quick to respond. Stargate knows the Romanian market like few other agencies. They remain at the top of the game with their dedication to client satisfaction.
Jason Firth
Jason Firth - Unicrew Management Ltd.
Thomas Reppenhagen
Our business relationship with Stargate goes back to the year 2007, when we started recruiting the first Officers for our...
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Thomas Reppenhagen - Fleet Personnel Director - Uniteam Marine
Our business relationship with Stargate goes back to the year 2007, when we started recruiting the first Officers for our managed fleet via them. During the following years a fruitful cooperation has developed, and we managed to expand our pool to over 130 active Romanian seafarers for whom Stargate was able to maintain a high retention rate. Their office staff is competent and assists us promptly with our recruitment requirements as well as in keeping a close contact with seafarers and their families. It is noteworthy that in 2016 we did not have a single Drug&Alcohol policy violation involving seafarers recruited via Stargate and also the performance reports received for crew employed via Stargate, show a good level of education and the right business attitude, particularly in these difficult economic times. We believe that the Romanian market has further expansion potential and we expect to do more business there in the future – supported by Stargate and their local team.
Thomas Reppenhagen
Thomas Reppenhagen - Fleet Personnel Director - Uniteam Marine
Daniel Rossio
We have a fairly long standing professional association with Stargate, which started in 2004. In the beginning the crew-figures...
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Daniel Rossio - Nord Reederei - Hamburg
We have a fairly long standing professional association with Stargate, which started in 2004. In the beginning the crew-figures were small for some years, but meanwhile they are one of our principal crew suppliers from Europe. During the extensive growth of our fleet and thanks to the support of Stargate we were able to recruit more and more professional Romanian crew. Specifically we like to point out that Stargate is able to strictly follow our company-requirements in regards to recruiting and employing crew, they are successfully publishing vacancies – especially in the senior ranks – and to rise interest in Romanian crew for NORD. Once they join our fleet, Stargate is maintaining the crew-pool informing about career paths, promotion plans and development options for each individual seafarer – always in close cooperation with our crew-department/NORD. When the seafarers are on board, we have direct access to them – and if they are at home, we can always rely on Stargate to keep the seafarers informed about the NORD-Strategy and anything that is important for the seafarer at home.
Daniel Rossio
Daniel Rossio - Nord Reederei - Hamburg
Rita Vella
Seafarers, mainly senior officers, coming from Stargate have proven to be very professional, punctual about returning to the...
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Rita Vella-Menzel Atlantic Lloyd Ship Management
Seafarers, mainly senior officers, coming from Stargate have proven to be very professional, punctual about returning to the next assignment, very communicative and sober when required to take unannounced Drug and Alcohol tests. One very big advantage of working with Stargate is that Romanian Nationals do not have any difficulties when sailing on Singapore Flag vessels, considering that more than half of our fleet comes under the Singapore Flag. We benefit form being in close touch with their staff, and if we need crew a short notice, we can organise a briefing and induct the officer in shortest time possible. All in all, we are very satisfied and the results speak for themselves. We consider Stargate to be innovative and very responsive towards the requirements of Owners like us.
Rita Vella
Rita Vella-Menzel Atlantic Lloyd Ship Management
Uta Steffen
Saltgate Shipmanagement and Stargate Crewing have enjoyed a good working relationship ...
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Uta Steffen Saltgate Shipmanagement
Saltgate Shipmanagement and Stargate Crewing have enjoyed a good working relationship since 2010. Ionut Rusu and his team in Constanta are competent and have a very good insight into the shipping industry in general, and developments regarding Romanian seafarers in particular. They are working hands on and react promptly, in a friendly and efficiently manner, to any requirements received from us, and they are not shy to offer alternative solutions.
Uta Steffen
Uta Steffen Saltgate Shipmanagement

E ceea ce facem
Navigating success together: Your crewing partner
Seafaring Excellence: Crewing Solutions that Set Sail
Your Voyage, Our Expertise: Crewing the Future of Maritime

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